The negative effects of plastic water bottles on our health

When we hit up the gym, or we’re on the run at the local shops and need a refresh, we’re often quick to pick up plastic bottled water. But what we don’t often consider are the negative impacts these products could be having on our health and wellbeing.

As scientific understanding advances, the awareness surrounding the risks of these products is starting to come to the spotlight. Each day, we consume massive amounts of tiny particles of plastic (and plasticizer) into our bodies, without even knowing it. This is because these particles are actually everywhere – in our food, Dim the air, and our water.

So when you choose the approach of plastic and to buy wholesale water bottles, without choosing a safer option like cartons or glass, the risks increase. These include:

Dangers to pregnant women: Experts are starting to note that plastics could have a harmful effect on women who are bearing children.

Risks associated with cancer: While it’s important to note that there are no official links to cancer, recent studies have noted that plasticisers and softeners (found in these products) can be tied to cancer. In some cases, your doctor may even advise you to stop drinking water from bottles because of this or to opt for glass versions and cartons instead.

Harmful chemicals: It goes without saying that nasties are contained within these products, usually because even touching plastic means the water is already absorbing these chemicals. They are then consumed by those using them, injecting them directly into the body.

Beyond BPA: Some labels will tell you the product is BPA-free. But that doesn’t mean there are no hidden toxins included instead. Laced into the plastic, you may find chemicals that are considered ‘endocrine disruptors’, posing significant threats to your body.

Bacteria build-up: We’ve all fallen guilty to reusing plastic bottles over and over again, far too often. If nothing else, these products, when reused, cause a huge bulk of bacteria to accumulate. These colonies then increase, posing huge risks to our health.

Using alternatives

Although there are significant dangers to keep in mind, it doesn’t mean you have to stop buying them full stop. Instead of choosing plastic versions, buy water bottles in bulk that are made from glass or cartons. This means you can avoid the ill-effects associated with plastic, all the while contributing positive impacts to the environment. Trust us, the landfill will thank you too.

No matter what you’ve been told over the years, plastic counterparts are simply not sustainable. Even if they are able to be broken down over time, the number of fossil fuels that come as a result of their creation should be enough to turn us off them.

If you’re not sure what alternatives to opt for instead, try looking for options to buy wholesale water bottles, but choose those made from sustainable and healthier materials. At H20 In a Carton, we’ve designed our range to give you plenty of varieties to choose from, so you can ditch the harmful side effects and dangers, and opt for a health-focused, greener choice.